How God is described in the scriptures is fascinating. Just read through these examples for a very rich study. Many of the labels are found in multiple places but some are used only once. Enjoy this powerful list.

The God of heaven and the God of the earth Gen. 24:3
The God of Abraham, of Isaac, and Jacob Ex. 3:16
The God of the Hebrews Ex. 5:3
The God of Israel Ex. 24:10
The God of the spirits of all flesh Num. 16:22
The God of David 2 Kings 20:5
The God of our fathers, your fathers Ex. 3:13
The God of my strength 2 Sam. 22:3
The God of Jerusalem 2 Chron. 32:19
The God of my salvation Ps. 18:46
The God of glory Ps. 29:3
The God of my life Ps. 42:8
The God of mercy Ps. 59:10
The God of gods Ps. 136:2
The God of the whole earth Is. 54:5
The God of truth Is. 65:16
The God of all flesh Jer. 32:27
The God of hosts Jer. 38:17
The God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Dan. 3:28
The God of Daniel Dan. 6:26
The God of judgment Mal. 2:17
The God of patience Rom. 15:5
The God of hope Rom. 15:13
The God of peace Rom. 15:33
The God of all comfort 2 Cor. 1:3
The God of love and peace 2 Cor. 13:11
The God of our Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 1:17
The God of all grace 1 Pet. 5:10
-Tim Orbison