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Our Elders

Church elders are men who are responsible for the shepherding and direction of the local church. They are to be highly respected for their service to God and His children. (1 Timothy 5:17). They also provide a scriptural role model for the congregation, pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of the members, confront those who teach false doctrine, help to mediate resolution for issues that could cause division in the congregation, and determine and enforce discipline, as supported by Scripture, for the protection of the church and for the personal benefit of those within its body. We are very thankful to have such wonderful men of God serving our congregation as elders and overseers here at Maysville.

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Carey Rosenblum


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Jim Bowen


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Mike Broad



Bubba Webster


Our Deacons

Much like elders, the office of deacon is also a vital part of a local church. Through their service, they relieve the elders from the routine business and physical needs of the church. Their work in the local congregation is physical in nature in opposition to the spiritual responsibilities of the elders. Examples include taking care of the church building, directing the church’s funds to minister to its needy, counting weekly contributions, etc. Though anyone may serve the church in a general sense, only qualified men may be scripturally appointed to this office. Deacons who serve well "obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith" (1 Tim. 3:13). We are truly blessed to have such wonderful deacons like these serving here at Maysville.

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Bruce Rosenblum

Attendance / Records

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Rob Lenoir

Computers / Communication

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Mike Banholzer


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Chip Broad

Elder Care / Shut-ins

Flowers on Wood
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Seth Bowen


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Bryan Norris


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Chuck Helms

Crisis Management

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Michael Rosenblum

Involvement / Outreach

Image by Ehud Neuhaus
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Caleb Bowen


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Justin Carroll

Building and Grounds

Our Ministers

A "minister" is anyone who serves others. Preacher, evangelist, or minister are the names given to those who proclaim the gospel. The gospel means "good news" and represents the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The responsibilities of a preacher can be found in (2 Timothy 4:2). Here they are told to "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction". These men aren't the leaders of the church and thus have no special title, but regardless they're loving, servant teachers, that want everyone to come to know about the love of Jesus Christ.

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Steve Johnson

Pulpit Minister

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Seth Bowen

Youth Minister

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