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Spiritual Truths from the Hummingbird

Last weekend we were outside sitting very close to our hummingbird feeder. The hummingbird is one of God’s most fascinating creations. With its tiny wings beating up to 80 times per second, it can hover, fly backward, and dart swiftly between flowers, seeking the nourishment it needs. Despite its small size, the hummingbird's work is crucial to the environment, reminding us of the significance of small but purposeful actions. Here are 3 spiritual lessons we can take from the hummingbird.

1. Persistence in Seeking Nourishment Just as the hummingbird continuously searches for nectar, we should be persistent in seeking spiritual nourishment. The Bible encourages us to seek God's wisdom daily through prayer, scripture, and worship. In Matthew 4:4, Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Like the hummingbird, we must prioritize feeding our souls with God’s Word to sustain us in our spiritual journey.

2. Perseverance in Doing Good

The hummingbird’s relentless effort teaches us the value of perseverance. Despite the energy required to hover and feed, it never gives up. Galatians 6:9 reminds us, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Just as the hummingbird persists in its daily tasks, we are called to persevere in doing good, trusting that our faithfulness will bear fruit in God’s time.

3. The Power of Small Acts

Although small, the hummingbird plays a vital role in pollination and helping plants grow. In the same way, our small acts matter greatly in God’s kingdom. Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32. This parable reminds us that even the smallest efforts can have an eternal impact. Like the hummingbird’s work that may seem small in the grand scheme of creation, our acts of love, kindness, service, a handwritten note, a quick text, or telling someone you prayed for them—no matter how small—are valuable in God’s kingdom. Our seemingly small actions, when done in faith, can spread love and grow God’s kingdom.

Next time you see a hummingbird, remember how God can use the small and persistent for great purposes. Just as the hummingbird fulfills its role in God’s creation, we can fulfill ours by faithfully serving God in both small and big ways.

-Michael Rosenblum


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