-Matthew 6:33-
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Two men were walking down a street on opposite sides. It began to rain. It only rained on one side of the road. At the next crosswalk, the man who had walked in the rain looked at the other and said, "How are you dry?" he replied with this one word, "Location." There is a sales concept that is under the same idea. "Location, Location, Location" is all about location. Location affects everything. If you doubt that concept, try to sell ice in the Arctic or a snowplow in Jamaica. We forget that our location matters as much in life.
We must understand that location plays a huge role in many things in our lives. Everything from our character to our mental stability is affected by our location. It would make complete sense that where our heart is located would determine how we live. Our heart location sets the tone, so to speak, of where the rest of our being will be situated in life. It determines what location we are in when it comes to relationships, jobs, choices, problem-solving, morals, and much more. Although we would like to blame our current mood or situation on those around us, sometimes, it has nothing to do with them. We are just standing on the wrong side of the road.
Might I, for just a moment, make a statement for your personal consideration? There is an old saying, "You are the company you keep." It is currently being supported by a study that shows you make within $10,000 of the income of the people you are around.
Our location dictates how we see life, these people, that is. They tailor our courage, steadfastness, willingness, dreams, and more. We often say being a Christian is hard. We have to make super hard choices daily. You hear things like, "You just don't know what it's like with…" said people. Drinking is a lot less of a temptation when you're not in a bar. It's hard to be offered drugs when you're not around them. Gossip is muted when you're not around people that gossip. In fact, the opposite is true. Love is increased when you are around loving people. Courage is magnified when you are around courageous people. Your faith is stronger when you are around faithful people. Your location can directly affect your success in Christ. Where are you standing?

Our treasure is where our heart is. Meaning that what you will live for, work for, die for, and yearn for is whatever your heart is set on. As Christians, our hearts should be in God. If it is, the perfect law of liberty becomes the greatest blessing in the world. It turns from a daunting list of dos and don'ts to a beautiful guide to greatness. Greatness in Christ will be achieved. In so doing, the rest of the things affected by location will also be positively affected. Your attitude to permanent retirement will not go without some alteration. It's all about where your heart is. Then that leaves us with this question, "Where is your heart?"
-Steve Johnson