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We never lack in ideas, dreams, goals, or work. In Christ, this is just as true. We can read scripture and know what God wants. We can have meetings about all the things we can do. We can form committees to discuss and develop plans that will accomplish great things in Christ. The issue still lies with initiative. If we don’t act, then nothing gets done.

Jesus made no mistake when he compared the work we do to the harvest. When harvest time comes, you have to get the produce of your crops out of the field right then. Farmers understand the sense of urgency that is expressed with the word “harvest.” If you have a garden, you understand as well, when your beans come in or tomatoes, you have to pick them right when they are ready, or you will lose them. Jesus expounds on the idea of harvest by saying, “the harvest is plentiful.” What a blessing that is! Anyone that has ever planted a crop would be filled with joy to see a bountiful crop. Bounty also means urgency. The more you have, the more work it takes to get it out of the fields and the less time you have to get it done due to the sheer size of your bounty before it ruins. Jesus again adds to the phrase, “the laborers are few.” This adds even more urgency and the need for long hours. I have a huge crop, it’s harvest time, it has produced well, and I don’t have enough people to get it out of the field. We have to get moving today, right now. Make a plan and execute quickly or we will lose it all together.

Jesus said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2)

Christ is trying to get us to see what really matters: souls. There are a lot of them. All of them are in need of Jesus. We have Jesus and the feet to bring them the gospel of peace. Once we see it, we need to do it. I was always told, “If you see something that needs to be done, do it.” We can’t hope someone will come by and do it for us. We can’t walk away and think, “It will get done by someone.” It’s harvest time so we can’t wait anyway. If we do, then we miss the opportunity, and the bountiful crop is lost. It doesn’t matter how many we have; we are to work and pray to God for more laborers. If we do our job, God does His. Souls are saved. Saved souls become laborers. So, the more we work and take initiative on the white harvest, the more laborers we will have.

I do know one thing. God was calling us to act with that statement. Christ was requesting that we take the initiative in the work of the Lord, for souls depend on us. We need to do that very thing. So, if we do not act at all, then how many souls stay lost? That is such a sad thought. I do not want to even think about it. I also believe Jesus when He said, “And lo, I am with you always, even tell the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) This means, to me, that if I take the initiative to act for the cause of Christ that Christ will be there and add souls to His Kingdom. What do you think?

-Steve Johnson


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