When I was young, I had grandeur plans that I would grow up and change the world. But life has a way of “bursting the bubble” of childhood dreams. As we mature, we soon realize that we are one of many, just a dot in this world, a cog in the machine, a spec of sand on a beach. Those big imprints we once envisioned making, may only amount to a small footprint. It also doesn’t help when we listen to the “father of lies” (John 8:44) when he says things like:
You are insignificant, you’re a nobody, you’ re not enough, you’re not making
a difference, or God can’t use you.

Our church family just recently lost one of our oldest members, Ms. Lillian Campbell. If you knew
her well, or were able to attend her lovely funeral service, you know she spent the majority of her life in the same place on Voekel Road. She may not have cast a wide shadow on this world, but she changed the world of the ones she was around. You see, she was influenced by God and was an influencer for Him. You could see it in her life, and you can see it in her family. They follow her example in their service, their stance, and their love for God.
She may not have had the attention or fame of the masses, but she was known by God and famous in His eyes.
Jesus says in Matthew 5:16 that we should “let our light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” When we rise to this challenge and allow God to use us in this way, like Lillian did, we will accomplish those childhood dreams of changing the world for the better. We will be a significant difference. We will be somebody in His body. We will be vessels for good works in His service. We will be the light of God. And though, we too may pass, our
light will never fade. And that is no small footprint.
I know now when I grow up, I want to have that kind of influence, and I hope you do too.
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
– Philippians 2:13
-Seth Bowen