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We live in an increasingly “connected” world; that is, always with internet access. Several years ago Netflix had a major outage. The official explanation was that the “load balancing” function on the Amazon servers, which then hosted Netflix, had malfunctioned. The result was that lots and LOTS of people on Christmas Eve were left disconnected from one of the most popular streaming services and had to find something else to watch on TV.

President Biden recently said internet access is just as important as electricity or water. Hmmm. Somehow I doubt that is true. However, what is true is that few under 40 would want to be caught “dead” without their smartphone in hand, preferably with a text or e-mail buzzing impatiently to be answered!

So what happens when we are “disconnected!?” Cutoff!? Unplugged!?

When spouses are disconnected from each other a whole host of problems are fairly predictable. Little issues go unresolved or escalate into bigger ones. Couples who spend enough time “disconnected” often begin to say things like “we don’t have anything in common anymore” and “I’m not sure how we got together in the first place.” Well, you got together because you were connnected. You listened to each other, shared your thoughts with each other, and looked for reasons to spend time together, which made you even more connected.

What happens when God’s children get “disconnected” from Him? The process involves distance, separation and diminished communication. Our listening to God comes in the form of personal Bible reading, Bible study with the church, and listening to preaching drawn from scripture. Our connection to God comes in the form of personal prayer, faithful/proper participation in the Lord’s Supper, singing, worship, and all that is involved in “seeking first the kingdom of God.” So when we are disconnected from God we neither receive nor give. Jesus told the church in Ephesus they had “left their first love,” (Rev. 2:4). They weren’t dead but they had become ... disconnected from their passion for God.

It is tragic when spouses disconnect and “lose” their passion for each other. The children, the spouses themselves and the whole family suffers. Marriages are lost. It is tragic when Christians disconnect and “lose” their passion for God. Their family, they themselves and the whole church suffers. Souls are lost.

When your connection is poor on a cellphone, it shows. When your connection is poor in a marriage, it shows. When your connection to God is poor, that shows also.

Tim Orbison


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