Living up in north Alabama, we don't get to see snow all that often. But when we do, we make the best of it because it's usually really short lived and we don't know when we will get to see it again. So, when snow makes its way south, we head outside to ski, snowboard, go tubing, build snowmen and have snowball fights. Some may even do some winter camping. But, if you stay out in the cold long enough, eventually your nose, ears, toes and fingers start to get cold. Before too long, a hat flies off with shivering wind gusts and your gloves get a little bit wet.

Eventually, it's time to warm up. So, we head back inside to the warmth of our homes and strip off some layers, replacing them with fresh, dry clothes, grateful for the warmth and maybe even enjoy a fresh cup of hot cocoa to speed the warming process up a bit. As blood flow returns to those cold, icy extremities, they begin to tingle. It hurts! Sometimes, spiritual restoration is like that too.
When we wander too far from the life-giving warmth of communion with God, the chill of sin sets in. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the temptations of life can keep us out of God's presence longer than we realize. When we finally do turn back to Him and realize that we had made the choice to live a life knowing we were separated from God, that guilt and conviction starts to set in. And boy does it sting. Our regret for wasted time and missed opportunities may be scalding. If we have lingered in despair or been entangled deep in sin, the shock of hope and joy melting our shame and guilt can tingle painfully.
Just as the blood flow returning to our fingers and toes after some fun in the snow is uncomfortable, it ultimately saves us from frostbite. In the same sense, the initial pains of spiritual restoration are also temporary and lead us back to warm, abundant life in God. So, for all who need it, repent, stay faithful, and.....STAY WARM!
-Hunter Shirley