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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

I happened across an interesting little website years ago while doing some unrelated research. The site was the Career Resource Center for Materials Science and Engineering (unfortunately now defunct). It was a student oriented resource to encourage the field of materials engineering and tell how this field of study functions in real life.

My attention was drawn to the following quotes:

  • “The human body is the most complex machine on Earth. And just like all other machines, sometimes it breaks down.”

  • “Joints are those amazing biomechanical structures which allow us to move. They can be very simple, or very complicated.”

  • ”If you think about it, the heart is a rather amazing piece of biomechanics. Over the average life span it beats some 2.5 billion times, pumping over 50 million gallons of blood through your body.”

First of all, let me say that I agree with those statements. With the most limited knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, it is apparent that the human body is unbelievably complex. In fact, there is near constant discovery in human physiology revealing complexities previously unknown.

One of the unique traits of human beings is our quest for knowledge and understanding of the world around us. We want to know how things work and why they work. All of our own improvements in the quality of life are based on this. We have made complex machines that produce electricity and need electricity. We are dependent on other complex machines for transportation and communication. We imagine and create complex flying machines also.

Here are a couple of important questions to ponder.

  • How did “the most complex machine on Earth” come to be here?

  • Who designed and built “those amazing biomechanical structures?”

  • “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” (Psa 139:14)

- Tim Orbison


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