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"Do" the Golden Rule

You know the Golden Rule in Luke 6:31: "And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise." In other words, treat people like you want people to treat you. But what should we do? Here are some golden deeds for the golden rule.

  • Give money for a clothing drive

  • Mow a widow's lawn

  • Bake cookies for a shut-in

  • Teach a class in VBS

  • Smile

  • Attend a funeral service

  • Write a note of encouragement

  • Be kind to the mentally ill

  • Baby sit for free

  • Say "thank you" to family members

  • Give a good tract to a friend

  • Open your home to teenagers

  • Be optimistic

  • Visit a nursing home

  • Provide transportation to the elderly

  • Pray daily for a lost person

  • Personally thank the church leaders

  • Encourage someone who responds

  • Sing in worship

  • Remember the anniversary of someone's death

  • Send flowers

  • Write to a missionary

  • Share your garden vegetables

  • Invite someone to worship

  • Introduce yourself to church guests

  • Sit with a visitor at worship services

  • Take a friend to lunch

- Keith Parker


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