People who live in Alabama don’t need to be reminded of how quickly life can be ripped apart by tornadoes. The damage from storms long gone still scar communities. Houses, trees and lives recover slowly. Some memories are never made whole even years later.
The Allstate Insurance Company marketed a slogan for years saying “you’re in good hands with Allstate.” Having insurance will not save a single home from storm damage, but it can help with worry, and it will help to rebuild.
Most folks will face discouragement during their lives. Often it is marked by a feeling of helplessness in solving their problems. By continually dwelling on troubles which seem to have no solutions, people become discouraged. That alone is a good reason to take the advice of Jesus, “Do not worry about tomorrow,“ (Mt. 6:34). Jesus was not suggesting that people make no attempt to plan for future events or difficulties. Laying up for yourselves treasure in heaven (Mt. 6:20) is about the future. Jesus was telling people to take each day of life by itself.
When I first began to take flying lessons, it was in January and very windy. It seemed as if the plane was a wild animal and bucking all over the sky. While in the landing pattern, I was trying hard (and in vain!) to keep the plane smooth and stable. I was sweating profusely even in a very cold airplane! Finally, my instructor said, “Don’t fight the wind and every movement. On a day like today, you’re going to bounce around no matter what.”
I was in good hands. My instructor was a seasoned, competent commercial pilot. He knew what to do and how to do it. He gave me good advice. But neither his competence nor his instruction could prevent a bumpy ride on that particular day.
I think that there’s some truth there about life in general. Being a Christian does not guarantee a smooth and easy life. James said the trials of life would train us in endurance and patience (Jas. 1:2-4). He did not have any advice on how to avoid those trials. Experiencing trials and tribulations means we’re alive. It does not mean we’re alone or abandoned. “Then he spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, “ (Lk. 18:1). “Your heavenly Father knows you have need of these things,” (Mt. 6:32). Bumps happen. Sometimes really big ones. But you’re not alone if you’re in Christ.
Christians are in good hands.
- Tim Orbison