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The Hard Truth

"You, therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked" - 2 Peter 3:17

You would be surprised how few people think about you. They are consumed with their own thoughts and worries, just like you. They wonder if they turned off the curling iron or got the correct papers printed for their presentation. They worry if that breakfast burrito stained that nice work shirt right before they walked into this meeting. It's all the same for you. That does not mean you are forgotten or are not essential to anyone. It means we don't have to worry about what others think about us.

Because you are not a crucial subject for them to be solely consumed with your present presence.

You're just not that important for others to stay that focused on you all the time. Let's be honest for a second. Even some of the most influential people in this world do not always get our thoughts. We have to work at making God, our spouses, children, friends, and church family a priority. That's okay. That's how it is. We make that choice. Let's all take a deep breath of relief.

No one remembers that ketchup stain on your pants last week. Everyone has already forgotten 90% of what you said last Sunday. Stop running it through your head. No one lost sleep because you decided to do the right thing at work. At most, it is discussed as a temporary distraction from their current mind-binding contemplation. Then it's back to the old norm of thinking about me.

It means people are not walking around with their heads in the sky, pondering everything you do. Since we are not under constant surveillance, we get a special blessing. That blessing is we get to be free and authentic to be who we are. We must own this concept. You are free to be genuine. Many of us tailor our actions, thoughts, and words as Christians because of what others think when, frankly, they don't care that much. We lose our authenticity in Christ. We even tailor our actions in the presence of other Christians. Being you draws more attention to Christ and His word. Enjoy the freedom. Be true to who you are in Christ. Worry only about yourself in Him. By all means, stop worrying about what others think.

-Steve Johnson


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